Frequently asked questions

Below are common questions that are considered by businesses before they commit to this service. Hopefully these cover most of your questions and provides confidence to proceed and sign up. If you feel this service doesn't really work for your website or business then you can cancel at any time after the first month.

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How much does it cost?
£84 a year, no contracts, cancel anytime after first month, no refunds. We found that when you pay for a service you intend to appreciate it more and make it work for you rather than using a free service.
Can I cancel at anyime?
Yes, after the first month.
Is this service for my business?
reviewourservice is a great solution for any small to medium size business that offers a service and wants to display customer reviews on their website at an affordable price. A great way to promote your business at a small cost!
Can you help me set this up?
Yes, we can help you set this up for a £50 setup fee but it would make sense for your website designer to do this for you. For us to do the setup we would need the review snippet code and access to your website whether its via FTP or login details. After you have created an account please contact
What makes you different from other review services?
The easy to use interface, no training necessary, no calls from providers to upsell their premium services. You're in full control at a sensible price.
How will it appear on my website?
The review design is currently a carousel slider and is fully customisable so you can style it in line with your websites look and feel. More review designs will be available soon. You can see the review widget in action here.
Does this collect social media reviews too?
At present it doesn't, but it's something we are considering in future updates.
What about fake reviews?
Most businesses are honest and know that it’s not in their best interest to show fake reviews. Unfortunately, there is a minority of fake reviews that can make it onto any review platform. AI and detection software is evolving, however, this will never be able to provide a 100% guarantee to prevent this. If you’re a business with intent to add fake reviews, this service is not for you and if reported your account will be suspended with immediate effect.
What about Trustpilot then?
Trustpilot offers a free service but it doesn't include the reviews to be directly displayed on your website, it takes away your visitor to their website which isn't ideal. It also shows similar businesses to yours that your visitor can see, which could be a competitor. Their premium service seems to offer everything at a price of £199/mth! No service can guarantee zero fake reviews too.

The power of customer reviews for websites

Customer reviews can make the difference between someone using your service or not, as a significant percentage of customers will read local reviews on a company’s service to help make the decision. The benefits of highlighting your reviews helps to improve your visibility online and there can increase your business’s revenue and reputation.

Review Statistics

Did you know 9 out 10 customers read online reviews before making a decision.

Review Statistics

Consumers read an average of 10 online reviews before feeling able to trust a local business.

Review Statistics

Sites with customer reviews experience 3.5 times more conversions than those without.

Review Statistics

57% of consumers will only use a business if it has 4 or more stars.

The best form of marketing is to hear it from others.

Don't leave your website behind!

The customer review includes a date stamp, so it gives the perception that your website or business is constantly in the now rather than a website that is never touched again after it's been built. All you need to do is collect at least one review every month from your clients, easy!

Sign up £84 year →

Can cancel at any time.